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Provision of Fieldnotes Ring Binder

    To be carried along when conducting family interviews/meetings (one type of field work) in hospital wards, outpatient departments, at home, and other venues, a specialty binder is necessary for holding FEO/I-FN refills, FEOI-RJ refills, FEO/I-FM pads and so on. Based on long years of experience in such work, we have arranged for customized production of an A5-size (portrait), 2-hole "Fieldnotes Ring Binder."
    The cover of the ring binder, with its distinctive red color, is made of polypropylene (NS sheet of 1mm thickness). The two D-shaped rings are composed of steel (of 25mm diameter). The binder can hold up to 150 sheets --- 120 FEO/I-FN refills and 30 FEO/I-RJ refills.
    As of March 2017, the Fieldnotes Ring Binder has been distributed only to members of The Society for the Study of the Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory (SSCSFET).